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Accelerating AI Adoption in Manufacturing and Ecommerce

The Problem

Picture the concern of business leaders and workers alike, as they observe the shifting landscape of their industry, uncertain about their competitors’ actions with AI. No one wants to be the first to take the plunge, but no one wants to be left behind either. The worry of the unknown – of not knowing where to start, of being the first mover, and of the potential losses if they remain idle – nags at each decision. Their business doesn’t need innovation for innovation’s sake; they need to enhance what they already do best.

Their customers feel the shifting landscape too. Some experiences are improving, while others are getting worse. Customers perceive better experiences elsewhere and increasingly desire better value. AI is a means to introduce material changes that aren’t merely incremental improvements. The stakes are increasing which is why enabling AI in their business, with a clear and strategic approach, is shifting from interesting to important.

Worried and concerned business manager
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In the year 2024, manufacturing organizations find themselves on the cusp of a remarkable opportunity. Despite swift strides in AI technology, a recent Industry 4.0 report commissioned by the NEW Manufacturing Alliance reveals that many manufacturers have yet to weave AI into their operations. This gap is not merely a challenge; it is a golden chance to seize market share and elevate the customer experience. Early adoption of AI can indeed be intimidating. Yet, in an industry defined by tight margins, gaining a competitive edge can lead to strategic triumphs over rivals. The pressure to innovate and stay ahead is formidable. The journey to AI integration may appear intricate, but the rewards awaiting those who dare to embrace it early are truly extraordinary.

The Approach

At Zeytech, we believe in a structured, confident approach to solving complex problems. Our philosophy centers on the ‘Crawl, Walk, Run’ methodology, which provides a clear roadmap to identify and prove value before making significant organizational changes.

Our ‘Crawl, Walk, Run’ approach ensures that AI integration is gradual, manageable, and aligned with your business goals. We start small, proving value at each step, and scale up as your organization becomes more comfortable and proficient with AI technologies.

By focusing on meaningful, incremental, and sustainable improvements, we help you build a robust AI capability that enhances efficiency, drives innovation, and ultimately transforms your operations. Our motivation is your business’s sustained growth and competitive edge, achieved through responsible and strategic AI deployment.

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For a deeper understanding of our structured approach, refer to our article on enabling AI in your business. This article delves into how our ‘Crawl, Walk, Run’ methodology can be applied to roll out internal productivity and innovation, ensuring your organization harnesses AI’s full potential. Read more about our approach here.

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Our client experience in both traditional AI practices and the latest generative AI technologies makes us uniquely qualified to advise, strategize, and deliver exceptional results. We understand the complexities of AI integration and have a proven track record of helping clients achieve material improvements in efficiency and innovation.

Ready to get started on your AI journey? Let’s crawl, walk, and run towards innovation together.

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ChemDirect, a third-party marketplace, faced significant data management challenges for over 500,000 chemical and non-chemical products. Issues included inconsistent product grouping, inadequate descriptions, and complex taxonomies. With Zeytech’s help, ChemDirect implemented an AI-driven solution to enhance data quality, parse industry specifications, enrich chemical synonyms, improve product descriptions, and standardize taxonomies. Utilizing Python, cloud services, proprietary AI models, and Terraform, the solution improved data quality by 20-40%, increased product searchability, and processed the entire dataset efficiently within a week. Zeytech provided technical advising, AI governance, and collaborative support to achieve these results. Read More about ChemDirect’s Story