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Shortcomings of Block Hour IT Services

Why the Block Hour IT Paradigm is Failing and How Subscription-Based Managed IT is the Solution

In our current fast-paced business environment, efficient IT support is critical. Yet many companies still rely on the outdated block hour model for IT services – purchasing a set number of hours and using them as issues arise. While this may seem cost-effective on the surface, the block hour paradigm often creates more problems than it solves. In contrast, subscription-based Managed IT services offer a superior, proactive approach that promotes prevention and ensures your business is always running smoothly.

This post should help illustrate why the block hour model falls short, and why subscription-based Managed IT services provide a better alternative.

The Block Hour Model: The Reactive, “Insurance” Approach

At first glance, block hours seem like a reasonable solution for companies looking to keep IT costs under control. You purchase a fixed number of hours, use them when needed, and ideally, they serve as a backup for emergencies. It’s often paired with an internal IT employee, with the thinking that they can handle day-to-day tasks, while block hours act as “insurance” for bigger issues.

But in reality, this approach has serious flaws:

  1. Reactive Support: Block hours are inherently reactive. You only call in help once something has gone wrong. By that time, the problem may have already caused downtime, security vulnerabilities, or productivity losses. Relying on block hours for emergencies means waiting for issues to surface before addressing them – a costly and disruptive approach.
  2. Underutilized Expertise: Block hour agreements often lead to underutilized expertise. When emergencies do arise, they can eat up hours quickly, and many companies end up limiting their use of IT support to conserve hours. This leads to half-measures and unresolved problems, which can accumulate and cause even bigger issues down the road.
  3. Unpredictable Costs: Block hours don’t necessarily mean cost savings. Emergencies can quickly burn through the hours, resulting in additional fees. When all your hours are used up, you’re left scrambling to purchase more, often at a premium rate. This creates unpredictability in your IT expenses, which can make budgeting a nightmare.
  4. Strained Internal Resources: Many businesses combine block hours with an internal IT employee to handle everyday tasks. But a “cheap” IT hire may lack the expertise needed for complex or specialized problems, quickly become overwhelmed, and be instructed not to bring in external resources even though an external resource might be better equipped to quickly resolve things. Expecting the inexperienced hire to manage the bulk of the workload while only relying on block hours for emergencies puts strain on your in-house resources and leaves your IT infrastructure vulnerable.

The Subscription-Based Managed IT Solution: A Proactive, Preventative Model

On the other hand, subscription-based Managed IT services operate on a completely different premise. Rather than waiting for problems to arise, subscription-based plans focus on prevention and proactive management of your entire IT ecosystem. Here’s why this approach is superior:

  1. Proactive Support and Monitoring: A subscription model doesn’t just address problems – it prevents them. Continuous monitoring, regular maintenance, and proactive system updates ensure that potential issues are identified and resolved before they can disrupt your business. Instead of putting out fires after they’ve started, Managed IT services work to keep everything running smoothly from the start.
  2. Predictable Costs: With a subscription model, your IT expenses are predictable. You pay a fixed monthly fee, which covers everything from basic IT support to advanced monitoring and security measures. This predictable pricing allows you to budget effectively, with no surprise charges for emergency services or overages.
  3. Comprehensive Service: Subscription-based Managed IT services cover the entire spectrum of IT needs – security, network monitoring, data backup, software updates, and more. You don’t have to pick and choose which problems to address based on how many hours you have left. Everything is taken care of, ensuring full coverage of your IT infrastructure.
  4. Increased Efficiency and Productivity: By taking a proactive approach to IT, subscription plans help avoid the downtime and disruptions caused by unexpected technical issues. Your employees can focus on their work without the frustration of tech problems slowing them down. And because Managed IT services handle routine maintenance, your internal IT resources are freed up to focus on higher-value tasks rather than constantly troubleshooting.
  5. Access to Expertise: Managed IT providers offer access to a full team of IT experts with specialized knowledge in areas like cybersecurity, cloud computing, and data management. This breadth of expertise ensures that your business is always equipped to handle the most complex IT challenges, without overburdening a single in-house employee.
  6. Strategic Partnership: Managed IT services foster a long-term, strategic partnership rather than a transactional relationship. The goal is not just to fix problems but to continuously optimize your IT infrastructure, ensuring it aligns with your business goals and future growth. This kind of strategic insight simply isn’t available in the block hour model.

Shifting from Reaction to Prevention

Ultimately, the subscription-based Managed IT model is about prevention over reaction. Instead of paying for sporadic, reactive services that only address symptoms of larger issues, subscription plans focus on maintaining and improving your IT infrastructure, ensuring it is always optimized and secure.

The block hour model may have made sense in the past, but businesses today need IT solutions that keep them ahead of potential issues. Waiting for things to go wrong is a costly and inefficient way to manage your technology. By switching to a subscription-based plan, you gain peace of mind knowing your IT needs are being met proactively – and that you’re fully supported every step of the way.

Make the Shift to Subscription-Based Managed IT Today

If your business is still relying on block hours for IT support, it’s time to rethink your strategy. A subscription-based Managed IT service provides proactive, preventative support that promotes productivity, efficiency, and peace of mind. Instead of waiting for problems to arise, let us ensure your technology is always running smoothly, allowing you to focus on what matters most – growing your business.

Ready to make the shift? Contact us today to learn how subscription-based Managed IT services can transform your IT strategy and protect your business from unnecessary downtime and costs.

Want to know more? Check out our Managed IT Support packages and options or contact us today to discuss how we can help improve your company’s IT landscape and operations.